Good Morning Mister and Misses Smith. The person you are looking at in the Bible is yourself, because you will reflect your thoughts on the character of God as yourself: thus you will make the Bible sin or your thoughts which will be an image of yourself. Proverbs 24:9 The thought of foolishness is sin. Your mission if you should decide to except it is to expose and crucify the man of sin or your own carnal mind. Romans 8:7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. As always if you turn back or get entangled in your own foolishness: God never knew you. Good luck, rather still may God have mercy and grace on you. God put the world in man’s heart or worldly wisdom so it’s impossible to know God with such earthly wisdom. Ecclesiastes 3:11He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Greeting. Mission: Impossible is a 1966 television series that ran until 1973 and was created and initially produced by Bruce Geller. I never watched the series as a kid because my mother made it her mission to have me in bed by nine o’clock. A group of elite covert operations unit carried out highly sensitive missions. Covert, now that word a that speak secrecy, even has God’s word are a secret to my carnal mind. Psalm 61:4I will abide in thy tabernacle forever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah. None of us has trusted in God enough to be hid in the shadow of His wing. God wanted to protect man from His biggest enemy himself, to obtain such protection you would have to be Spiritually close to him. Luke 13:34O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! God’s word is sent unto us, but we witness against it or spiritually stone it: a witness in the Bible sometime represents stones. The Prophet Jacob shows a physical application of this in the next three verses. Genesis 31:46And Jacob said unto his brethren, gather stones; and they took stones, and made an heap: and they did eat there upon the heap.47 And Laban called it Jegarsahadutha: but Jacob called it Galeed.48And Laban said, this heap is a witness between me and thee this day.People do not want to hear what God’s word says and when you try to get a word in edge wise, they are quick to change the subject because God word judges their thoughts. If it was legal in this country people would stop up their ears and stone you. Acts 7:57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, Acts 7:58 And cast him [STEPHENS] out of the city and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul. And why did they physically stone Stephen? Even we today would not like what Stephen had to say: Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. We resist the Holy Ghost by making God’s thoughts our thoughts, this makes for a deceitful witness. We would rather hear, you are an awesome spirit being of great worth to God as a person: that’s a lie. We are useless to God until we put to death the old man by the preaching of the cross. Until the old man in us is destroyed, we can never hear what God is saying: we must reckon ourselves dead. Romans 6:11Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. When we are dead to sin we no longer corrupt the word of God by putting our thoughts on it: this indeed is impossible without God going before us. The heart in Acts 7:51 is a hard heart of stone that must be Spiritually removed by God only. Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. God must perform a Spiritual cutting or circumcision of our hearts of stone, without this we can never see God. God word cuts deep into our heart and reveal what is there: nothing good. Matthew 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Every time we put our evil thoughts on God’s word, we defile ourselves: to think we must pick up our Spiritual cross and be crucified to what we once believed God’s word was saying is foolishness to us. 1 Corinthians 1:18For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.NOBODY IS BORN WITH A GOOD HEART!  Man has tried to circumcise himself by what he thought sin was and never realized sin was coming out of his mouth. Matthew 15:11Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Spiritually we try to circumcise ourselves with God's law which is represented by a stoneMark 5:5  And always, night and day, he[us] was in the mountains, and in the tombs, and cutting himself [making ourselves righteous by how we interpret the God's Law] with stones.
Part: 2 The Mission Impossible elite group of deceivers always accepted the mission and pulled it off. By today standard this television series was far ahead of its time and there has never been a show quite like it. The show producer Bruce Geller graduated from Yale University in 1952 and this university has its share of cloak and dagger theories. We picked up a Bible we excepted an impossible mission and even if you never picked up a Bible, we still in our minds created a God like unto ourselves. Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen. Does God send us on a mission? A major problem is most so-called Christians never knew what the mission was. Since we are about cloak and dagger things, let ask God for some revelation on the following Bible story. Numbers 13:17
And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain. When we come to the Bible we are about to enter a Spiritual land created by God, it's His promise land: the hope of seeing the face of God. This mission is the greatest battle we will ever fight, and it will be fought in the mind or valley of decision. Joel 3:14Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The Bible is a promise of a better Resurrection of seeing God’s word raised from our mortal thinking; while we are yet alive on this physical earth.  What we all saw when we first [sown] looked at the Bible was corruption, we spiritually murdered what was to give us Life.1 Corinthians 15:42So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption. Part: 3 coming soon/
Michael Rudulph Hodges 10/8/2019/amended 2/17/2021